Through the use of classic games and game fragments, Martin charts a survival course through the competitive minefield. His firm conviction is that everyone is capable of great improvement if the right mental attitude is combined with a strong grasp of essential chess ideas. This DVD will guide you in the right direction.
The CD is based on the new instructional Fritz8-Chess Media System: all the lectures are presented in their entirety with video pictures and synchronized chess graphics. There is no better way to explain chess. Total running time: 3 h 39 min. This is how chess training can be real fun!
Andrew Martin is 47 years old and lives in Sandhurst, England with his wife and four children. He is a professional chess teacher and writer. His recent works for ChessBase include the "ABC of the Ruy Lopez" and the "ABC of the King's Indian".
- Includes the latest ChessBase 9.0 Reader.
- System Requirements:
- PC 233, 64 MB RAM, CD-ROM drive, sound card, mouse, Windows XP/2000/Me/98 SE, Windows Media Player 9.